Challenges of Soul – Worry Anxiety Fear

Welcome to Challenges of Soul. Silencing The Monkey on Your Shoulder.
A little Look at Fear in Three Ascending Layers.

It’s a Truth of the universe that we are spiritual Beings having a human experience And that we are born into our world in order to realise ourselves as the Love that we are. During our lifetimes, we have certain spiritual contracts with our Selves to evolve and certain karma to clear, which simply put is to live and share our Light and clean up our accrued rubbish.

For some reason, though, we seem to go through life with a proverbial monkey on our shoulder, his hands covering our eyes so we can’t see our way forward clearly. And because of this, instead of direct creation stemming from

a) desire;

b) intent; and

c) enjoy, our personal matrix in the Hologram is a roundabout of worry, anxiety and fear, big and small that clutters Mind and disavows everyone’s Journey of Soul?

What do you worry about for yourself? For your family? What do you fear? What are your conditions and how does all of the above impact your relationship with yourself, with each other, and how do you all communicate, share your love?

And are you ready to change your world – and correspondingly that of your loved ones?

Look at Fear in Three Ascending Layers, to open mind, take that monkey off your shoulder, focus on what you really want to make matter, and be fully Present live All your best Love, joyfully.


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