About Anna Hughes

The work of Anna Hughes is about connecting with your inner self, to find and use your voice in cooperation with the higher awareness of your intuition, otherwise known as the voice of your Soul. Conscious connection with this leads you to being able to see a much, much larger picture of Life than meets the eye, to see your life clearly in context with all that is, and then to use this clarified vision to make deliberate choices. All done in the energy of Unconditional Compassionate Love.

An internationally-recognised Master Teacher & Healer, Anna is mentor for strategic business and personal growth and conflict resolution of any kind. She is dedicated to sharing intuitive counsel to return each One into your innermost heart, to live in work-life-love balance and fulfillment every moment of each day, celebrating yourself and each other, in joy.

A woman of great vision, she has devoted her life to reconnecting you to the vastness of your own inner being, know your own inner strength and identity, how in using this you come on top of life situations, and to guiding you to see yourself in terms of your greater self. Through her work, her private and corporate clients gain the courage to freely express who you are and fulfill personal goals to live in balance of peace, joy, compassion and harmony with yourself, and each other. Your ability and willingness to do this comes from an understanding, acceptance and knowledge of how to use the Love that you all really are and your relationship with each other and All That Is.

She now integrates the above with her abilities as spiritual teacher, master healer, intuitive counsel and intuitive business and executive development advisory using ancient wisdom to help you navigate your own inner selves to bring about change through growth and mastery of present-moment awareness. “My work encompasses a wide spectrum of spiritual energy and working together with each One’s natural desire for trusted change, I offer a safe harbor of shared confidence in making decisions both personal and professional, using my unique vision and experience to give answers, insights and context to life situations and purpose,” Anna Hughes.

She has also had substantial corporate experience over the past 47 years and thus has personal experience of how business requirements can compromise home and family life. Her work in the field of corporate identity, strategic communication and brand management, developing and implementing multi-brand-based communication programmes in financial, service and retail sectors can be read below. She has led multi-disciplinary and multi-level team integration and corporate change strategy, communication and marketing and has also led crisis communication management teams that integrate local regional formats into global programmes and often integrate her energetic expertise to create dynamic change and conflict resolution in the corporate boardroom and arena.

Personal Programs with Anna

Anna is known for the accuracy of her intuitive readings, using these with great humor to mentor individuals and inspire each to heal through growth responsibly, quickly and often permanently. Typical consults start with her intuitively scanning the body for energy blockages, assisting each to come to the clarity of their own truth and inner wisdom. Her skill at strategising different context in complex situations leads each to speedily resolve conflict within themselves and with others, whether it is about personal situations, family, social and business relationships and/or business situations, and move beyond fear and self-limitation to make new, often more-dynamic choices. Some example questions asked during check-in consults

• Who am I and what is my life purpose?

• I would like to manage my feelings of stress in making all the ‘right’ decisions?

• I have [x] disease/chronic/acute pain. How can I heal it?

• My marriage/job is on the rocks and I’d like to work towards healing/enhancing/growing it.

• My son/daughter seems lost, how can I assist them find their way again? • I would like to know my life path/journey/that my company for the next [x] years

Discover how you too can shift energy to resolve any kind of conflict in your life, ranging from marital, legal, business and other disputes. She is particularly skilled at helping you write your life and business strategy to align directly with your karmic contract/s and spiritual journey to ensure success in all that you do.

Trance Channeling

Anna is channel to the wise and wonderful Being known as The Nazareine. Through her He gives insights on business, personal and past life situations, always with humour and very much love, assisting us to return to a state of joy, love and great inner peace.

Full trance channeling is highly specialized work when the channel gives over his/her consciousness to be used as a conduit of information from higher intelligences, spiritual masters and teachers. The most famous channels in ancient history were the priestesses at the Temple of Delphi, Greece, known as The Oracle although priestesses in other temples in the ancient world also served in this way, many to kings and world leaders too.


Anna was born and raised in Hong Kong of Chinese-Welsh parentage. Growing up in multi-cultural Hong Kong gave her an instinctive feel for different peoples and a lifelong deep interest in socio-cultural anthropology, women’s empowerment and ethnic spirituality which she has now combined and dedicated towards her life’s work. A former financial services communication specialist, she has worked for many blue-chip companies in more than 40 countries in the past 47 years. She has also been a Hong Kong representative sportswoman, team captain & administrator. She is married to Ken Hughes, an investment consultant and former banker. They have two children and two grandchildren.

Twenty-five years ago, she was diagnosed with stage two cancer of the breast. It was to be a life-defining moment for her as she re-evaluated her life, unhooked from other people’s beliefs about the disease – and set about empowering herself with her own healing. After decades working in Asia, the UK, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, she devoted herself to work as a healer and spiritual teacher, applying spiritual energy into everyday life to achieve remarkable results in on-going wellness and prosperity for her clients worldwide. She now focuses on teaching conflict resolution and peace through awareness of a greater whole, and personal empowerment through strategic immersion retreats and intensive integrative alignment progressions for private and corporate clients.

Anna also founded and headed both Ultimate Woman and OneTouch Inspiration, organizations devoted to connecting those seeking self-determination, purpose and fulfillment through love and laughter and the originator of the Beyond Limitation series of conferences. Her philosophy of the power of unconditional love as the energy of creation adapts ancient wisdom to modern-day life situations.

She brings people together to promote the message that by exploring ourselves and the deeper, inner meaning of Life and All That Is, we can individually bring about profound social change.

Anna Hughes – Corporate Dynamics

Anna Hughes focused on reconnecting those seeking self-determination, empowerment and results within challenging and disparate family and corporate team environments. Her work champions the empowerment and advancement of those professionals seeking leadership roles, positioning them and their companies for sustained future growth within a balance of duty of care to live well, work well, enjoy personal and family life – the Wisdom Way.

She is an internationally-respected authority on the adaptation of ancient wisdom energy techniques applying these to modern-day life situations. She teaches skills to effortlessly evolve energy in the form of uplifting conscious awareness in the creation of harmonious integration in every type of team leadership circumstance. Through her work, Anna brings people together to promoting the message that by understanding the deeper mechanics of life and your self-identity in context with the people around you, your inner strength, will, power and intuitive ability you can bring resolution to every type of problem. By so doing, each person can individually and more productively open minds to progress profound corporate and social integration, ownership and change.

She acts as intuitive counsel and mentor to senior professionals and business owners, preparing and effecting with each one business models and personal/team alignment to such. She is an expert in corporate identity and cultural change integration policies, adviser in seminar and exhibition strategy and organisation, and supports senior managers to resolve conflict and increase productivity through application of specialist conscious awareness uplift techniques.

Anna Hughes has had substantial corporate experience. This encompasses the field of corporate identity, strategic communication and brand management, developing and implementing multi-brand-based communication programmes in both financial service and retail sectors. She has led multi-disciplinary and multi-level team integration and corporate change strategy, communication and implementation and has also led crisis communication management teams that integrate local regional team into global programmes.

She has held senior management positions in companies such as Action International Public Relations. Regional Director, Eastern Europe, North Africa, the Levant and Middle East; Societe Generale Group, United Kingdom and in Asia, Australia and Japan; Reuters Asia Ltd; Price Waterhouse Hong Kong and Hill & Knowlton Asia Public Relations Advisers.

Please contact her by email to formulate a tailored change and communication programme for your company that bridge ancient, intuitive wisdom with modern day corporate practices.

Transform Your Life with Growing
Love and Living Spirit

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