1 Diffuse Conflict with Love

In this current energy, many people are feeling stressed and this in turn is leading to stressful situations. Many of you have told me how you are feeling bullied both in the office environment and in general everyday life situations.

For whatever reason the bullying or conflict is occurring, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that it is unkind, and it is unnecessary.

First thing is to recognise that everyone has a perspective and that perspective or that desired outcome is true for them. It’s very valid, it doesn’t mean they are wrong, it’s just a perspective and we need to acknowledge this.

We need to agree to disagree, to say that it is okay that we don’t agree with their view.

Whatever we agree or disagree, though, we must respect where they are and from this perspective, or from this situation, you can quite easily get resolution just by holding your own space, and not being sucked into the emotion of it.

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