5 Meditation for Harmonising Discontent

When you own the greater picture of any experience that creates discontent and you are able to see it in the context of the growth, the construct rather than the destruct, you will then be able to move on in grace and within your own strength as it has become another piece to empower you through your relationship with All That Is.

From this perspective, that everything we experience is growth, this meditation will help you manage the emotional body particularly when you have been an observer to an experience or a participant in an experience that has left you feeling very angry or frustrated.

In the human experience, there will be times that you feel you have been caught on your back foot, rather than on your front foot. This practice will guide you to realign your energy body and to bring the energy back into centre, creating space to allow you to consider, to allow you to make some deliberate choices on how you are going to respond to the conflict.

There are two choices. You either remain the observer or you are moved to respond. The only way to know this, is to be in your silence, to be in your heart. Every choice, at every step in every experience, you can choose to move towards the light, anchor light, share the light, experience the light.

Choosing the Light of Love is the only way to bring about resolution to anything, to fight fire with fire only increases the flames.

You know that in every single situation there is a gift. This gift is the experience of growth. Creating awareness and knowing for you to continue moving forward.

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