4 Meditation to Resolve Anger

In the previous teaching, we used ancient shamanic practices to release the Energy of Anger and Conflict. This meditation further guides you to resolution when dealing with these stressful situations, allowing you to move forward in a harmonic state.

Everyone has anger, we are all wired differently, we all feel it differently and we do all feel it.

The situation is that we want to be able to feel the anger and be able to express the anger without doing much damage to ourselves.

In this practice, we connect to certain chakras in the body. These energy centres control the flow of your life force energy, we breath in through them and connect to the wisdom, the knowledge and the truth that everything in life is relevant, yes even anger and conflict.

Whatever is causing the anger or the problem, doesn’t really matter.  The key is creating awareness around within as well as around you, asking to see the next step that will guide you forward in whatever situation that is causing the conflict.

I accept All That Is and All That Is life itself and within this my life continues to flow not arrested by anyone or anything. Life continues to flow through me. I am respectful of All That Is.

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