3 The Simple Structure Healing

There’s lots of different ways to heal, everyone does it differently. We want to keep it as uncomplicated as possible, as untechnical as possible.

You can heal anyway, really.

Even some of the most technical methodologies give fabulous results.

Best though to keep it simple and feel your way through, because then you are not just a healing technician, doing only technical stuff, mechanically. Sort of, painting with numbers.

Best healers are those who send the energy of Love to lift vibration, and the one who’s receiving it is boosted to heal themselves. But you remain neutral about all of it. You’re just in Service of Love, freely. And then you wait, and see.

In this way Karma remains balanced, you are not carrying anyone on any part of any journey.

Each remains in your own clear space, and energy is therefore free to move, and resolve as it needs too.

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