3 Create Space for Transformation

Turning your back does not mean that you are walking away, or you are judging them, it just means that you are turning your back, it is a communication that someone has crossed the line, and that you are no longer willing to feed into that energy.

You turn your back, and you wait for the energy to change.

For the energy to change, you bring in your five-pointed star, and you hold it within yourself, because you want the energy to change within yourself, so the energy within the two of you or the group of you will change quite naturally without the ego getting involved and when that person feels the shift within themselves, which is motivated by the shift within you.

They are then required to step into your energy, which means they have to come around to tap into your energy and that means on your terms, that is not an egotistical thing.

If you are holding your space for the highest good and in love, the first aspect of unconditional love has to be for yourself.

Hold that, and you both define how you are going to move forward together.

And off you go.

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