2 The What-Is of Healing

When you are out of harmony, you get sick. Or you develop a pain in your body. As do others.

Too, Love, by her very nature, draws to her challenge. It’s as if the Universe sees the brightness of Love and decides to send a shadow, so Love and overcome it! Perhaps it’s so you stay focused on Love, that it remains at all times the centre of your attention, because it’s so fragile to break open as an energy.

The truth of Love is that when you love, you have to be able to embrace the reality of pain. Lost dreams. Ugliness in many different form. And to stay open within it all, to not taken on personally anyone’s personal relationship with Love – or lack therefore.

Healing provides you with a way to be open-hearted compassionate. This is the first step to being able to Love that goes beyond the romantic and idealistic! If you focus on open-hearted compassion, you are already Love itself.

Pure form.

Then you get ready to give.

To channel it through for others, which means that you also get to enjoy it too.

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