2 Practice Using the Five Pointed Star

The five-pointed star is a specific vibration, everything is about vibration.

The energy of anger, the energy of resolution, the energy of peace, the energy of guilt, whatever it is, is a specific vibration that we experience within the physical body and when you are able to consciously place a motivating force for change without the ego getting involved, then you have already moved further than you have previously been.

In Practice, take the five-point star and place the amethyst within, you can either place that in your heart, or in your third chakra, located in the stomach area, hold that whilst you are in relationship with this person or this group of people, breathe into it and ask that the solution comes for everyone to move through, or to move on for everybody’s highest good, and then you wait.

It’s not about time, it’s about inner rhythm, it is about holding that space for change, transformation to occur.

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