2 Breath of Life – In the Sea of Life

This Practice takes you a little further into the Sea as you feel its energy and the currents of its waves.

It is a journey from the memories of your first experiences with water and from this gentle safe place where you feel protected, you will feel a different view.

Breath of Life. In the Sea of Life.

Your first memory is of the water in which you are immersed, in your mother’s uterus. It is warm, and you can hear her heartbeat. Just bring yourself back to this space here and now. Just by calling it to mind. It has always been a part of you. You remember that you were in this water for more than 9 moons. And slowly your awareness increased. In incremental phases. Just a gradual dawning, of a kind of a knowing.

The knowing, without emotion.

Pausing and reflecting from this space to see what it means to you here and now.

It’s in these moments that you can feel your soul expand.

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