1 Communicating with The Sea of Life

We open the space in this module by re-membering how far you’ve come.

It’s been a specific journey.

Of Life, Love.

And of course, you’ve loved and nurtured your Self.

Here, immerse into the Nature of All That Is, alive. Your heart fills with you-know-not-what.

Just a feeling. Of connection, all rooted to and from the Sacred Ocean.

All evolving, together. In a kind of natural right order that you know, deep within, is Divine.

We follow the energy, together, a walk-through Nature to know completely and absolutely each aspect of One’s essential role.

As we step in, again as always, feel it to know it.

Here, now…you’re headed to the Sea.

Actually, you are already in the Sea.

The Sea is consciousness itself.

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